DDoS attack: A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service, or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic.
DDoS attacks are highly effective as they leverage numerous compromised computer systems to generate attack traffic. These exploited machines encompass computers and other networked resources like IoT devices.
At a broader level, a DDoS attack can be likened to an unforeseen traffic jam that obstructs the highway, impeding the smooth flow of regular traffic towards its intended destination.
How does a DDoS attack work?
DDoS attacks happen when a bunch of computers and other devices, like IoT gadgets, get infected with bad software. This lets a bad person control them from far away. Each infected device is called a bot, and a group of bots is called a botnet.
Once the botnet is set up, the bad person can tell each bot what to do.
When the botnet targets a server or network, each bot sends a bunch of requests to the target's IP address. This can overwhelm the server or network and stop working for regular people.
It's hard to tell the difference between the attack traffic and normal traffic because each bot looks like a regular Internet device
How to identify a DDoS attack
When a website or service suddenly becomes slow or unavailable, it could be a sign of a DDoS attack. However, sometimes other things can cause similar problems, so it's important to investigate further. You can use traffic analytics tools to help you spot signs of a DDoS attack, such as suspicious amounts of traffic from one IP address or a flood of traffic from users with similar behavior. Other signs include unexplained surges in requests to one page or odd traffic patterns. It can be hard to separate attack traffic from normal traffic, especially on devices connected to the internet
What is the process for mitigating a DDoS attack?
The main concern in dealing with a DDoS attack is distinguishing between attack traffic and regular traffic.
For instance, if a company's website is overwhelmed with traffic due to a product release, it would be a mistake to block all traffic. However, if the company suddenly experiences a surge in traffic from known attackers, it is likely necessary to take action to mitigate the attack.
The challenge lies in identifying the genuine customers from the attack traffic.
In today's Internet, DDoS attacks can take various forms. The traffic can range from simple attacks originating from a single source to complex attacks that use multiple methods.
A multi-vector DDoS attack employs multiple attack paths to overwhelm a target in different ways, which can make it harder to mitigate the attack.
For example, an attack that targets different layers of the protocol stack simultaneously, such as a DNS amplification attack combined with an HTTP flood, is considered a multi-vector DDoS attack.
To counter a multi-vector DDoS attack, different strategies are needed to address the various attack paths.
Generally, the more complex the attack, the more difficult it becomes to separate the attack traffic from regular traffic. Attackers aim to blend in with normal traffic to make it harder to mitigate the attack effectively.
Attempts to mitigate the attack by indiscriminately dropping or limiting traffic may result in blocking legitimate traffic along with the malicious traffic. Additionally, the attackers may modify and adapt their tactics to bypass countermeasures. To effectively overcome a complex attack, a layered solution is the most beneficial approach.
Blackhole routing
One solution that network admins can use is to create a blackhole route and direct traffic towards it. This means that both legitimate and malicious network traffic will be sent to a null route, or blackhole, and removed from the network.
If a website is being targeted by a DDoS attack, the Internet service provider (ISP) may choose to send all the traffic to a blackhole as a defense. However, this is not an ideal solution because it essentially achieves the attacker's goal by making the network inaccessible
Rate limiting
Limiting the amount of requests a server gets in a certain time period can help prevent denial-of-service attacks. This is also helpful in slowing down web scrapers and stopping brute force login attempts. However, it may not be enough to handle a complicated DDoS attack on its own. Still, rate limiting is an important part of a good DDoS protection plan. Check out Cloudflare's rate limiting for more information.
Disclaimer :
Use this only for educational Purposes... I am not responsible for your actions...Love you, Guys.. Stay safe !!! Stay legal !!!
Practical ( Tool that is used by hackers to do DDoS )
To use the DRipper type the following commands in Termux:
pkg install git -y
pkg install python -y
pkg install python3 -y
git clone https://github.com/palahsu/DDoS-Ripper.git
⚠️Note:- If the Link Is not Work Then remove .git
cd DDoS-Ripper
$ ls
$ python3 DRipper.py